ICDAM 2025 Travel Bursaries
for Researchers from Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Application deadline: 11:59 p.m. PST on January 30, 2025
The International Society for Diet and Activity Methods is pleased to invite applications for travel bursaries to defray the costs of attending the International Conference on Diet and Activity Methods (ICDAM) 2025. The travel bursaries are made possible by a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Planning and Dissemination Grant to enhance inclusion at ICDAM 2025.
- Eligible individuals include those from low- or middle-income countries working in or studying diet and/or activity methods in academia, governmental agencies, or non-profit organizations.
- Individuals from low- or middle-income countries who are currently enrolled in an accredited educational program in a high-income country are also eligible.
- Individuals working in for-profit enterprises are not eligible for travel bursaries.
- Please see World Bank list of nations with economies defined as low income, low-middle income, or upper-middle income.
Individuals applying for a travel bursary who are not already presenters at ICDAM 2025 (in a workshop, symposium, or oral or poster session) are required to submit a late-breaking abstract by Jan. 30, 2025. Accepted late-breaking abstracts will be programmed as posters.

Available bursaries and allocation decisions
Five bursaries of up to $1,500 CAD are available. Pending funding from other sources, additional bursaries may be awarded. Costs including airfare, ground transportation, accommodation, and meals are eligible.
If more applications are received from eligible individuals than can be funded, allocation decisions will be based on balancing recipients from a range of regions, areas of research (diet versus activity assessment), and career stages (e.g., students versus independent researchers). If applicable, random selection will be used. For example, if multiple applications are received from eligible student researchers working in diet or activity assessment in a certain region of the world, the bursary recipient(s) will be randomly selected.


Bursary recipients will make their own travel arrangements or if this is challenging, we can book airfare on the recipient’s behalf. Following the conference, recipients will submit travel expenses and receipts, up to $1,500 CAD, to the University of Waterloo for reimbursement. University of Waterloo policies, such as booking economy airfare and per diem rates, excluding meals provided by the conference, will apply.
How to Apply
Please provide the following information in up to two pages (letter (8.5”x11”) or A4 size page, in Calibri font size 12) to ISDAM@PodiumConferences.com by January 30th, 2025.
- Name, email address, and current place of work or education
- If you are a student currently enrolled in an accredited educational program in a high-income country, please also indicate your home country
- A description of your research focus and how it relates to diet and/or physical activity methods
- Your learning objectives for ICDAM 2025 (3-5 bullet points)
- ISDAM Membership Category
- Regular Member – individuals working in academia, governmental agencies, or non-profit organizations.
- Early Career Member – individuals working in academia, governmental agencies, or non-profit organizations and within ten years of receiving their terminal degree.
- Student Member – individuals currently enrolled in an accredited undergraduate or graduate degree-granting program at an educational institution of higher learning.
- Confirmation that receiving a travel bursary of $1500 CAD will enable you to attend ICDAM 2025 and that you are committed to participating in the full conference (pre-conference workshops are optional)
- An indication of whether you are part of an accepted presentation at ICDAM 2025 (workshop, symposium, oral or poster presentation)
- If you are not yet part of the ICDAM 2025 program, please submit a late-breaking abstract to the portal as outlined on the ISDAM website and append your abstract to your bursary application.