Membership in ISDAM is open to researchers and practitioners, including trainees, from around the world with an interest in diet and activity methods. Membership fees support the mission of ISDAM.

Benefits of Membership
As a member of the ISDAM community, you’ll gain access to benefits to enrich your professional journey.

Vote on Society matters and apply to serve on the ISDAM board.

Reduced Rates
Members will receive a reduced fee for ICDAM and other ISDAM events.

Career Board
Post or search for career opportunities related to diet and activity assessment.

Create a global network of researchers and practitioners with an interest in diet and activity methods.
About Membership
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover for member dues payments.
Membership enrollment is now open.
The current ISDAM membership term runs from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025.
Member Categories
Regular Member
Individuals working in academia, governmental agencies, or non-profit organizations.
Early Career Member
Individuals working in academia, governmental agencies, or non-profit organizations and within ten years of receiving their terminal degree.
Student Member
Individuals currently enrolled in an accredited undergraduate or graduate degree-granting program at an educational institution of higher learning. Student Membership shall terminate at the end of the first membership term in which the student is able to apply for Early Career Membership, which shall be in the calendar year following completion or departure from the degree-granting program.
Associate Member
Individuals working in a for-profit enterprise.
Retired Member
Individuals retired from working in academia, governmental agencies, or non-profit organizations.
High Income Country
Regular: $190.00
Associate: $190.00
Early Career: $140.00
Student: $95.00
Retired: $95.00
Upper Middle Income
Regular: $120.00
Associate: $120.00
Early Career: $80.00
Student: $60.00
Retired: $60.00
Lower Middle Income
Regular: $80.00
Associate: $80.00
Early Career: $55.00
Student: $40.00
Retired: $40.00
Low Income
Regular: $50.00
Associate: $50.00
Early Career: $35.00
Student: $25.00
Retired: $25.00
*Low-Income Economy Members
All membership categories include an option to subscribe as a member from a low-income economy. To be eligible you must currently reside in a country identified on the World Bank list of nations with economies defined as Low Income, Low-Middle Income, or Upper-Middle Income.
How to Join
The renewal period will occur December 2025. The membership cycle is two years.
Join as a New Member
ISDAM memberships are now managed by Conference Manager 2.0, a membership management application that is also used by other organizations. Due to this shared system, you may already have an existing account. Please review the instructions below carefully so as not to create duplicate user accounts.
We welcome you as an inaugural ISDAM member. Please create your member account – on the landing page, select “create user profile” under the New User heading. After you create your account, use your email and new password to log in. In the future, these credentials will be required for submitting abstracts and registering for events and conferences.
Once you have created your account or logged in, you will be taken to your account dashboard. Click the link that says, “Enroll Now”. Once you select the appropriate membership type, you will have the option to pay online with a credit card via our secure payment processer.